
Showing posts from 2019

I'm Still Here

It amazes me how God will find a way to reinforce whatever message He has for you. This morning I dreamed that I was praying and woke up to myself continuing the prayer that started in my dreams. I asked Him what did that mean and He told me that this was His assurance to me that where ever I was, He was there with me. What a Blessed assurance to know that our Saviour will never leave us no matter our state or condition. As I researched the word, I found that God has stated over 29 times  " I am with you" in His word. What a reminder that He will always be there even when we don't see, or feel Him. One of my sons and I were discussing a difficult situation He was going through. He stated that it felt as if God was not talking to Him. I shared with him some advice someone gave to me years ago, which simply stated that the teacher never talks to the students when they are taking a test. So, if God seems quiet to you, keep pushing through the test, knowing that He is rig...

Use What You Have

My youngest son has taken on the love of shoes from his older brothers. They all have a plethora of trendy, practical, and favorites in their collection.  There are these one pair of gym shoes that are my youngest son's go-to. The toes are scuffed and raggedy, the laces are frayed, and they possess a mean lean to one side.  Every time he goes to visit his grandparents he wears them, his grandfather insists on making a trip to the shoe store to buy him more shoes. I remind his grandfather that he has a closet full of shoes, but chooses to wear those. God has blessed us all with so many talents, skills, and wisdom that we have gathered throughout our lives. We at times only display what is comfortable, never letting the world see who we really are. As Christ-followers, we must share with others those talents, skills and spiritual wisdom God has given us. They serve His purpose and allow us to walk in that purpose. They serve as a witness to who He is and whose we are. Finall...

Just A Conversation

Growing up, I would often hear the term "witnessing" be tossed around in various conversations, Christian education classes, Sunday school and so on. As I listened to the variations of what people said it was, it seemed so intimidating to me. I was never one that would just go up to someone and tell them why they needed to know God. Just meeting people on a social level was awkward enough. The thing is, I know God personally. I talk to God regularly, like a friend... and most important, He talks to me! To me, telling others about someone I love so deeply is just like having a conversation. Bragging on what they have done and what they can do. Sharing our experiences, conversations, and adventures. That is it! The interesting thing is that God always provides an opportunity for those conversations and he also gives you what the other person needs to hear (if you are listening) from Him. So many of my "Conversations" have ended with "How did you know?" T...

Trouble Will Come, But Healing Will Follow

As a crafter, I have all types of tools, gizmos and gadgets. Each item has it's own unique purpose to help me to complete the projects that I'm working on. One of my favorite objects is my cutting mat. It helps me visualize the size and prospective of my project. What I like most about it is that it is self healing. You can cut into it as much as you want and it just comes back together and heals itself. What's even more interesting is that you can see the scars, but you can no longer feel them.  Our Christain journey should mimic that self- healing mat. Although life may cut us at times, God through the Holy Spirit provides us with what we need to heal. The scars remind us of our journey, but God provides the healing.   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV) Unapologetically, G

Love Overcomes

I've had conversations with many people who felt that they had messed up so bad that they could never be loved nor deserved love. Broken spirits, broken hearts, and broken minds are places of vulnerability where Satan hangs out. He travels through thoughts, manipulates emotions, and blocks any and all avenues of escape. I am grateful that Love overcomes. Our God who is love, heals through love all the brokenness in our lives. He unbelievably travels to our dark places and rescues us, binds our wounds, and rehabs us to full recovery. No matter where you are or what you've done, always remember that love overcomes.  "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 8:38–39 (NKJV) Be Blessed, G

Spiritual Freefall

I've always been intrigued with watching people jump from planes, cliffs and building. What are they thinking? Are they afraid? Is it exciting? I've come to find out that the first part of the jump is called freefalling. Freefalling is the part of a skydive where you're not using your parachute, you're just  falling through the sky, with nothing to hold you back, no constraints, no cords, nothing but the open air and the wind in your face. When people learn to skydive they are often accompanied by an instructor who is strapped to them and is ultimately responsible for releasing the parachute at just the right time. As we seek a closer and more intimate relationship with God  it's just like experiencing  a Spiritual Free fall. Moving through life without any constraints or fear, enjoying the view that God has set before you. Allowing Gods Holy Spirit to engulf you and His fresh wind to just flow all around you. What's so incredible is knowing t...

Broken Heart

There is line in a songs that says, "Lord, Break my heart for the things that break yours." I often wondered why would anyone ask God to break their heart. A broken heart is such a deep, painful yet unseen wound. No one is immune to it and  healing is long and difficult.  The process itself is life changing and leaves you with scars. Seeing, and understanding through the filter of the Holy Spirit, I realized that we break our Fathers heart daily.  Our disobedience and sin have left him disappointed and heartbroken at our choices and disregard for the infinite Love He show us.. Our God, our father,  through His amazing love wears the scars proudly for our sake and takes on the heartbreak daily. So out of my deepening love for the father, I ask that you break my heart for the things that break yours. Let my life and  my purpose Glorify you daily. Help me to break your heart less and less each day. "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I...

Losing My Mind

Have you ever experienced a time in your Life where your own thoughts confused you. You heard things that didnt make no earthly sense and you just wrote them off.   Have you ever heard a quiet voice telling you something that had absolutely no true relevance to your life or any situation in your life? ...well I have and I do!  At first, I wrote it off as just a wondering mind... too much stimulation, noise, or maybe it was something I ate.. lol As time went on I started to pen those thoughts to paper, and eventually share them.  To my surprise people began to ask me, "How did you know?" " Know what?, I asked. "How did you know I needed that?" Truth be told, I didnt know why I wrote what I wrote, nor the relevance of its timing. I succumbed to being obedient to that quiet voice and just did it. As I read and sought understanding, God began to connect the scriptures that were already a part of me to the messages he was giving to me... and ...


Remember those conversations with your parents as a child as you went on trips...  "where are we going?", you ask... and their replies was... "just enjoy the ride!" As a child we have traveled many places with our parents never knowing where we were going, but always ending up ok... Have you ever found yourself on a spiritual journey that you have no idea where it's taking you... Somedays you just dont want to go... but it's your Daddy, and you let go of your will and get in the car... You know that He has never taken you to a place that was meant to hurt you, so you went... You know that His choices never placed you in danger, so, you went. Your Faith gives you a reason to go, Your trust in His will gives you courage to believe its for your good.... Welcome to Destination Unknown! "   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a fut...

What does your "Great" look like?

I've heard many people say things like, "I'm waiting for that "Great" opportunity to come", I want a "Great" relationship, God will bless me to find a "Great" church and finally, Have a "Great" day. We slather the word "Great" around to quantify our desires. We want the best of whatever it is we are seeking in life.  What if the "Great" that we are seeking can only be found in us. What if we are the ones responsible for bringing "Great" to the party.  What does "Great" look like? "Great" are those things that are excellent, and worthy of praise, lovely and admirable. "Great" has characteristics of love, joy, patience, peace, gentleness, and self-control.  "Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit."  Psalms 147:5 Is "Great" beginning to sound familiar?"Great" is our God! "Great" is how ...

Self Care equals Self Prayer

Lately God has called me to a place of constant prayer. My prayers has been focusing on the needs of those God has placed in my path... Family of course, friends, co-workers, church family, and even strangers. I find myself mulling over a growing list of needs, hurts, wants and desires. During this process I am often finding myself in isolation more often than I desire... As I travel this leg of my journey, the company of travelers have thinned out for reasons I cannot comprehend. In emptying myself out for the sake of others, I constantly find myself  just plain empty. I've heard alot of conversations and discussions on self-care... and I realized that self care requires self-prayer. Self- Prayer is what we must do when we need to refill, refuel, realign and get understanding. It helps us to see and understand through a spiritual filter. It helps to accept the "whys" we don't  understand. It strengthens us to press and persevere to Gods purpose and Glory. Don...

Enough for the Journey

I use to have a car that was in pretty good shape. It ran well, good tires, quiet engine, air, and good heat. The only problem was that the gas gage did not work. I would always find myself worrying if I would run out of gas. I would constantly try and remember where I'd been, how far I'd gone and when the last time I filled up. I worried about what I Knew I had, but could not see. Our journey in Christ can sometimes feel like we are walking around with a broken gauge. We know that God has filled us up with what we need,  but we find ourselves second-guessing whether or not we have enough spiritual fuel for the journey. We overthink, underestimate and rely on our flesh and emotions to determine whether or not we can complete, let alone start this leg our of the journey. We must have faith that if God placed His anointing on us and His Spirit in us we are assured that we are enough and have enough for the journey, even when we don't see it. "For I know the plans...

SHIFTING OUR FOCUS (From Suffering to Glory)

The last few weeks for our family has read like a fictional story. One challenge after another. Collectively we have been faced with loss, sickness, disappointment and so much more. As we pushed through in faith, prayed for one another and trusted God, He revealed to me that our challenges were a part of our journey.  Many times when we get knocked down in life, we lay their wounded and whimpering. We react like victims of a crime. Let me encourage you to get up! Know that everything that happens in our journey happens for a reason and can give God glory.  It’s hard to understand how our suffering and loss can glorify God but it can. In our weakest moments, we have to surrender to his will, cast our cares and hurt on him and listen. I often ask God the questions, “what am I to learn from this?” and “what do you want others to see in me in order for them to Glorify you?” The latter question is the hardest because it requires us to shift the focus off of ourselves an...

Be Prepared

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"  1 Peter 3:15 You wake up abruptly, realizing that you slept through the alarm. You forgot to lay out your clothes the night before. You didn't pack your lunch. All of the things you have to accomplish today now come rushing into your mind and you find yourself completely unprepared for what the day has in store for you. We have heard "Be Prepared," said by the Boy Scouts for years but have you ever considered what it means as a Child of God? We must be spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared. This balance prepares us for whatever direction our journey takes us. Being spiritually prepared means that God through the Holy Spirit is guiding us. It helps us to navigate the what, who, where and whys that we will face. Being emotionally prepared m...

What Next?

"Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Experiencing death is, to say the least, traumatic. It takes a mental, emotional, and spiritual toll on everyone who has been affected by it. Our physical bodies experience chemical changes, our emotions are elevated and we question God... asking why? This week I have not only experienced these effects, but I have witnessed loved ones and friends do the same. I have done much praying... yes asking why, but more than anything asking... "What Next?" God reminded me that if we have a relationship with Him, we will see them again. He also reminded me that those of us who remain still have a purpose, and God still has a plan. Those of us who know Christ must make sure that our friends and loved ones have every opportunity to know Christ as well. Live the word before them, ask God for the ...

Watch, Fight, and Pray

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” ... Mark 14:38 Over the course of our lives, we have grown so comfortable to the things that we see and hear that we can recite phrases and quotes without hesitancy, but have absolutely no clue how to apply it to our lives. I believe that Gods word is woven throughout the fabric of what we see, do, and say, yet the comfortableness of it has left those words meaningless to us. As an example... there are several Christ inspired songs whose lyrics include the words,  "Watch, Fight and Pray..." I know as you read this, one of the first songs that pop into your head, is "Oh, Happy Day".  Let us for a second look at the actual line of the song...   "He taught me how to watch, fight and pray, fight and pray, And live rejoicing every, every day". If we take a deeper look, we can find such a deep meaning to this phrase and how it can apply to our ...

All Things Work Together

  "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Roman's 7:28 Have you ever worked on a puzzle and found that when you have that 1 piece it helps you to put all of the other pieces together. You can determine whether it's the sky or if its the grass. From that 1 piece you can build an entire picture. Our lives are like puzzle pieces. It is up to us to recognize the fact that we are a very special piece in the fabric of our families and  in our communities. When we are where we're called to be and doing the things we're called to do, others can find where they fit in the big picture. So as you go throughout your day today recognize what purpose God has for you and where your piece is supposed to be placed. When you do, this will open up your eyes and allow you tosee God's purpose and plan for you. God-bless G.

Identity Theft

Identity theft is when someone gains access to personal information and uses it for their gain. It is a silent criminal assault that takes a long time to recover from. It affects you financially, emotionally, physically and socially.  The financial toll messes with your credit rating, closing and opening new accounts and so much more. The emotional toll is the stress, fear, and anxiety of what the future holds for you if you are not able to correct all the areas affected by this act. The physical toll is the inability to focus and the added stress of what this could lead to. Finally, the Social toll is not knowing whom to trust going forward. Everything and everyone is a potential suspect. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly."  John 10:10-12  Satan steals the identity of Gods people and its effects are devastating. It has the same effects as in the e...

Stand, Therefore...

If you have ever been in a long distance race you find that the closer you get to the finish line, the harder it is to stay focused and push past your pain, anguish, and discomfort. Your thoughts and feelings come into play encouraging you to stop, convincing you that you have done enough. Our journey in life is like that race, the closer we get to our goals the more distractions we encounter. Satan gets in our ear, reminds us of our pains and discomfort and encourages us to just stop. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says; " ... the race is not to the swift, or the battle to the strong, or bread to the wise, or riches to the discerning, or favor to the skillful; rather, time and chance happen to all of them." Once again, Satan is on his job, adjusting our focus off of what God has already promised us... Don't let him deceive you, lie to you or rob you of what God has told you. Don't let Satan allow you to be an accomplice in overturning your own blessing. God has given us wha...

Be The Light

Growing up I had a very interesting childhood. There were very few girls in our family for many years. I did all the things the boys did like, climbing trees, playing baseball, racing barefoot, making zip guns and so forth. As I look back I've taken for granted one unique thing that I experienced as a child. I was taught how to be blind. I have an aunt who lost her sight at an early age. We spent a lot of time together, so I had to learn how to lead her around from the age of about 4 years old. I often asked what it was like to be blind. She would blindfold me and lead me around the house to show me how she navigated without sight. She showed me how to read braille, how she traveled outside and so much more. It is something that actually comes naturally to me now and allows me to ofter navigate through an unlit house with little difficulty. As I wake up in the morning, my phone often alerts me to the news of the day and lately it has been very dim and dismal. If you concentrate o...

Know Your Why!

There is a Christian comedian who did a presentation explaining how we know our purpose, our "What", and how we can easily demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and application of our "what". He added a caveat to it which focused in on the emotional connection of our "what" to our "why", which explained how our "why" should be the thing that takes our "what" to a whole new level. This way of thinking applies so well to us connecting our "what" of GLORIFYING GOD to our "why". What are you defining as your "Why"? What is that thing that takes your "What" to a whole new level? I know that I can clearly identify my "Why"... its to honor God with my service each and every day of my life. Whether it is in my home, I will honor him and model that before my family. Whether at my job, I will honor Him by living my faith before others. Even when I am in a casual situation, my life, my wo...

Stay Connected

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 If you've ever lived in a small community, you will often find that everyone knows everyone else through kinship or friendships. You will find that many family members and friends have grown up together,  gone to school together, and even worked together. They may not have the same last names, but they are connected through a common bond of community. Christ defines your community. Your purpose defines your connectivity to every aspect of your life and those with whom your path crosses. Your purpose has appeared in your childhood, teenage years, young adult years, and adulthood. Your purpose is defined and cultivated in your education, career and social connections.  No matter what you do, or where you go, when following Christ, your purpose will always connect you to God's will. So Stay Connected. Be Blessed,...

Listen Carefully

"These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart." Deuteronomy 6:6  Have you ever taken one of those tests that "begin with the phrase, "Read everything carefully before doing anything"? It continues on with a list of things you are to do like, Put your name in the upper right-hand corner of this page. Circle the word NAME in sentence two. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner. Put an “X” in each square." Many of us have fallen victim and completed those test to find out at the end that if we only followed the instructions given at the beginning of the test, things would be less stressful, easily completed, and somewhat enjoyable. As we go through the stresses and test of our day, we find ourselves doing the same thing. Rather than being receptive to the Holy Spirit and listening through prayer and devotion, we start going down our list and going through the motions that often lead us to situations that waste our t...

The Enemy Knows His Purpose

 "A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance" John 10:10 HCSB Have you ever had those days when you face the most unexpected emotional hits from the most unexpected people?  Maybe a family member, a co-worker, or a stranger says or does something that rubs you the wrong way and knocks you off your square. You end up holding that "thing" all day. That "thing" eventually effects how you treat others. Where did that "thing" come from and why? The answer is Satan. Satan orchestrates ways to steal, kill and destroy your character and your witness. What best way to hide God's Glory from His people than to persuade them to take the focus off of Him. How do we combat the devices of the enemy? Take the face off the person(s) and take the fight to the enemy through prayer. When you do that, at God's command, an angelic army stands at the ready to help you throug...

Purpose: Perspective and Position

My husband and I have always believed that participating in sports would be beneficial to my children in order for them to learn teamwork, rules, etc. We were blessed to have some pretty awesome coaches cross path with our kids. One coach, in particular, left a lasting impression and life long lesson with me as he coached my middle son. My middle son was scrappy, quick and ...well... he just wanted to hit something. The coaches were allowed to remain on the field with the players to give direction, make adjustments, and call plays. I began to notice that he would at times grab the back of my son's jersey, move him from side to side and eventually point him in the direction and toward the person he wanted him to tackle. We laughed and joked about it because it started to make my son look like he was going to attack someone or something as soon as the coach let him go. Sure enough time after time, he would reach his mark and fulfill his purpose. It wasn't long before the coach co...

Presence is required

I woke up this morning to a commercial about hotel advertising. It depicted two business people who were walking out of the hotel heading to a meeting and they were glowing. To the ones who were reviewing the commercial, it seemed like a real stretch to believe that because of a hotel stay you can actually "Glow" through your day. As I viewed this scenario through my spiritual lense, I wondered if we as "Children of God", "Keepers of the Light", and "Messengers of the Good News"... Glow? Do we show any evidence that we have been in the presence of God like Moses did after he had spoken with the Lord? "When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. Exodus 34:29 Our purpose is tied to Gods presence. What ways do you get into the presence of God? Do you take time to have personal quiet time devoted to Him? Do...

Your Purpose is a Blessing

"...Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve." Jeremiah 32:19 Have you ever considered what would happen if someone who is called to be a dentist one day decides that he wants to become a cardiologist? If you were a heart patient, how confident would you be in his ability to successfully treat you? Not very confident at all! You would be uncomfortable with the fact that he is working outside of his calling.  Now consider that this same dentist was present and in place when you come into the dentist office with excruciating pain and discomfort. Would you hesitate in asking and trusting him to help you? No, not at all!! Your confidence lies in knowing that he is operating in his calling. When you operate in your calling you become a blessing to all those God sends your way. So, if you are called to be a dentist or doctor, operate in yo...

Positioned For His Purpose

Have you ever found yourself someplace where you felt tired and weary?, asking God over and over "Why Am I Still here?". It may be a job, with a group, or even an individual. I know I have. Lately, I have been paying closer attention to God's intentionality. I've noticed how certain people are strategically moved in out of my life and in and out of different situations. I have paid attention to what they either brought to the table or what they required from His table. What I have found out is that God strategically and intentionally places us where we can best fulfill His purpose. Although we sometimes want to high tail it out of Dodge, God does not always allow us to do so until His purpose for us being there is fulfilled. So, the next time you are ready to move on for whatever reason, be sure that you have checked with the Master to make sure your assignment is complete. Understand that we are all a part of God's master plan and are called accordi...

Somebody needs to see your faith

I believe God speaks purposefully to me in dreams... whether it's guidance, direction, prophetic... I'm not always sure... so let me share a dream I had. I was traveling alone on a train, an El train to be exact... I did not know the destination... as we approached the end of the line, I was not at all familiar with where I was... but I kept going... I got off the train and made my way to this church... I didn't recognize it nor anyone there. A few people acknowledged me as if they knew me. Soon the presider took the podium and announce the names of several women who will be sharing the word with everyone, and to my surprise I was in that number... I was shocked, but not afraid... my only apprehension was lack of preparation and of course a scriptural reference... as if he read my thoughts, the presider in a joking manner said, "finally we will have the young lady who is looking for a scripture come forward..." as I got up from my seat, the Lord placed in my ...

Your Press and Prize are attached to His Purpose

  "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14 We are all called to a purpose in Christ. Before we were conceived God knew where our journey would take us. He knew the joys and pains we would have to endure. Each of us must endure the press that was mentioned in Philippians 3:14 in order to get to the prize. We have to go through some situations, deal with some people, and face some adversities...  Our assurance is that the "press" and "prize" are attached to his "purpose" for you.     So, when you find yourself going through one of those "All things"; hold on and press forward and know that not only is your prize waiting, but you are moving closer to His purpose for you. Romans 8:28 says; "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Be Blessed, G

Stewards of the Heart and Soul

When we think of the word "Stewardship" we often think of money and possessions. We are reminded how God has allowed us to have the things we have and how we are to take care and make the best use of them for God's glory. Have you ever considered that fact that we may have the same Stewardship requirements toward those people God has placed in our lives? Those who are Inwardly Broken suffering in private or whose pride, dignity or past leads them to keep their brokeness quiet. Our Seniors and elders who suffer in silence, deteriorate from loneliness and disappear from existence without anyone knowing their suffering. Those spiritual Pillars who are strong for others... champions for the cause, but are battling with relentless onslaughts of hurt and pain. There are so many categories of people that we must be so careful not to forget to care for. We all know someone... make the effort to care, reach out, listen and minister. One day it could be you in need of a good ste...

Who Is Your "Greater"?

1 John 4:4 ..."greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" My kids schooled me on the symbol that represents "God is Greater than my Highs and Lows". As I have dug a little deeper into its meaning, I've realized that we must learn to size up our situations with our God... Health issues... God is the ultimate Healer Financial issues... God resources are unlimited Mental issues... God is a mind regulator Whatever the situation we face, we must search God's word and discover His track record that shows that He has already overcome it... So if you trust and believe that God's word is true you can be confident in knowing that your Greater is grounded in the Lord.

Stir It Up!

Have you ever pour ketchup from its container and not given it a shake... You get that very watery, nasty looking substance that no one wants on their food. Immediately you cap up the container and give it a rigorous shake until everything inside is stirred up, mixed up and balanced to the proper consistency. Now imagine a Christian who has been sitting around sedentary in studying the word, praying, and following their purpose. What comes out of them is a watered down version of what God has destined them to be. It's time to "Stir It Up! Stir up the purpose you were called for so that all that you do is aligned to God's will and purpose for you. Stir up your Oil so that your gifts and talents will honor and glorify God. Finally, Stir up God's spirit in your journey so that there is balance and His spirit is well blended in every aspect of your life. Then your "Stirred up" life will clearly reflect Christ at home, work, school, and everywhere your journey ta...