Positioned For His Purpose

Have you ever found yourself someplace where you felt tired and weary?, asking God over and over "Why Am I Still here?". It may be a job, with a group, or even an individual. I know I have.

Lately, I have been paying closer attention to God's intentionality. I've noticed how certain people are strategically moved in out of my life and in and out of different situations. I have paid attention to what they either brought to the table or what they required from His table.
What I have found out is that God strategically and intentionally places us where we can best fulfill His purpose.
Although we sometimes want to high tail it out of Dodge, God does not always allow us to do so until His purpose for us being there is fulfilled. So, the next time you are ready to move on for whatever reason, be sure that you have checked with the Master to make sure your assignment is complete. Understand that we are all a part of God's master plan and are called according to His purpose.

" And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Be Blessed, G


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