Stir It Up!

Have you ever pour ketchup from its container and not given it a shake... You get that very watery, nasty looking substance that no one wants on their food. Immediately you cap up the container and give it a rigorous shake until everything inside is stirred up, mixed up and balanced to the proper consistency.

Now imagine a Christian who has been sitting around sedentary in studying the word, praying, and following their purpose. What comes out of them is a watered down version of what God has destined them to be.

It's time to "Stir It Up! Stir up the purpose you were called for so that all that you do is aligned to God's will and purpose for you. Stir up your Oil so that your gifts and talents will honor and glorify God. Finally, Stir up God's spirit in your journey so that there is balance and His spirit is well blended in every aspect of your life. Then your "Stirred up" life will clearly reflect Christ at home, work, school, and everywhere your journey takes you.


  1. BEAUTIFL comparison. I wanna be shaken not stirred! 🙌🏿


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