Spiritual Freefall

I've always been intrigued with watching people jump from planes, cliffs and building. What are they thinking? Are they afraid? Is it exciting?

I've come to find out that the first part of the jump is called freefalling. Freefalling is the part of a skydive where you're not using your parachute, you're just  falling through the sky, with nothing to hold you back, no constraints, no cords, nothing but the open air and the wind in your face.

When people learn to skydive they are often accompanied by an instructor who is strapped to them and is ultimately responsible for releasing the parachute at just the right time.

As we seek a closer and more intimate relationship with God  it's just like experiencing  a Spiritual Free fall. Moving through life without any constraints or fear, enjoying the view that God has set before you. Allowing Gods Holy Spirit to engulf you and His fresh wind to just flow all around you.

What's so incredible is knowing that God has strapped himself to your life and knows just when to pull the parachute cord and land you safely in every situation.

Do you trust God? Do you trust Him even when you are experiencing what feels like a freefall?

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Unapologetically, G


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