I'm Still Here

Image result for i am with you alwaysIt amazes me how God will find a way to reinforce whatever message He has for you. This morning I dreamed that I was praying and woke up to myself continuing the prayer that started in my dreams. I asked Him what did that mean and He told me that this was His assurance to me that where ever I was, He was there with me. What a Blessed assurance to know that our Saviour will never leave us no matter our state or condition.

As I researched the word, I found that God has stated over 29 times  " I am with you" in His word. What a reminder that He will always be there even when we don't see, or feel Him.

One of my sons and I were discussing a difficult situation He was going through. He stated that it felt as if God was not talking to Him. I shared with him some advice someone gave to me years ago, which simply stated that the teacher never talks to the students when they are taking a test. So, if God seems quiet to you, keep pushing through the test, knowing that He is right there with you to the end.  If in doubt... call out and ask... and you can hear Him say... "I'm still here!"

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
 Matthew 28:20  (KJV) 

Unapologetically, G


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