Broken Heart

There is line in a songs that says, "Lord, Break my heart for the things that break yours." I often wondered why would anyone ask God to break their heart.

A broken heart is such a deep, painful yet unseen wound. No one is immune to it and  healing is long and difficult.  The process itself is life changing and leaves you with scars.

Seeing, and understanding through the filter of the Holy Spirit, I realized that we break our Fathers heart daily.  Our disobedience and sin have left him disappointed and heartbroken at our choices and disregard for the infinite Love He show us..

Our God, our father,  through His amazing love wears the scars proudly for our sake and takes on the heartbreak daily.

So out of my deepening love for the father, I ask that you break my heart for the things that break yours. Let my life and  my purpose Glorify you daily. Help me to break your heart less and less each day.

"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~ Jeremiah 17:14

Unapologetically, G


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