Losing My Mind

Have you ever experienced a time in your
Life where your own thoughts confused you. You heard things that didnt make no earthly sense and you just wrote them off. 

 Have you ever heard a quiet voice telling you something that had absolutely no true relevance to your life or any situation in your life?
...well I have and I do! 

At first, I wrote it off as just a wondering mind... too much stimulation, noise, or maybe it was something I ate.. lol

As time went on I started to pen those thoughts to paper, and eventually share them.  To my surprise people began to ask me, "How did you know?" " Know what?, I asked. "How did you know I needed that?" Truth be told, I didnt know why I wrote what I wrote, nor the relevance of its timing. I succumbed to being obedient to that quiet voice and just did it.

As I read and sought understanding, God began to connect the scriptures that were already a part of me to the messages he was giving to me... and so began this journey.

What began as what felt like I was losing my mind, was God molding me, and allowing His mind to guide my mind to help His people.

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:"  Philippians 2:5 (KJV)

So that next time someone ask me if I done lost my mind, I can respond with a resounding "Yes!"... "in exchange for His..."

Unapologetically, G


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