Identity Theft

Identity theft is when someone gains access to personal information and uses it for their gain. It is a silent criminal assault that takes a long time to recover from. It affects you financially, emotionally, physically and socially.  The financial toll messes with your credit rating, closing and opening new accounts and so much more. The emotional toll is the stress, fear, and anxiety of what the future holds for you if you are not able to correct all the areas affected by this act. The physical toll is the inability to focus and the added stress of what this could lead to. Finally, the Social toll is not knowing whom to trust going forward. Everything and everyone is a potential suspect.

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly." 
John 10:10-12

 Satan steals the identity of Gods people and its effects are devastating. It has the same effects as in the earthly realm. The financial hardship devalues our testimony to others. Satan's cunningness makes what others see as the Christ in you as being less, or no value.  Emotional hardship has us internally doubting ourselves. Questioning our value to God and his purpose. The physical toll leaves us tired, broken and weak. We feel like we are battling a never-ending war. Finally, the social impact leaves us ineffective in our personal ministry. We question why we are even trying to make a difference because no one really cares.

Good News!!! Even at Satans best attack, God shows up and erases the effect of the theft and restores his people. Be of GOOD Courage!! You are an overcomer!!

Be Blessed,


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