Be The Light

Growing up I had a very interesting childhood. There were very few girls in our family for many years. I did all the things the boys did like, climbing trees, playing baseball, racing barefoot, making zip guns and so forth. As I look back I've taken for granted one unique thing that I experienced as a child. I was taught how to be blind. I have an aunt who lost her sight at an early age. We spent a lot of time together, so I had to learn how to lead her around from the age of about 4 years old. I often asked what it was like to be blind. She would blindfold me and lead me around the house to show me how she navigated without sight. She showed me how to read braille, how she traveled outside and so much more. It is something that actually comes naturally to me now and allows me to ofter navigate through an unlit house with little difficulty. As I wake up in the morning, my phone often alerts me to the news of the day and lately it has been very dim and dismal. If you concentrate on it too much it can send you into depression very easily. I associate that with waking up in darkness. We as Christians have a light that exists in us and that is His word. He has placed it in our heart and mind to help us navigate through dark situations.
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105
As we navigate through the darkness of this world, do not forget that you are indeed the light and are able to spread the light through the sharing of His word.
"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden" Matthew 5:14
Be Blessed, G


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