The Enemy Knows His Purpose

 "A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance" John 10:10 HCSB

Have you ever had those days when you face the most unexpected emotional hits from the most unexpected people?

 Maybe a family member, a co-worker, or a stranger says or does something that rubs you the wrong way and knocks you off your square. You end up holding that "thing" all day. That "thing" eventually effects how you treat others.

Where did that "thing" come from and why? The answer is Satan. Satan orchestrates ways to steal, kill and destroy your character and your witness. What best way to hide God's Glory from His people than to persuade them to take the focus off of Him.

How do we combat the devices of the enemy? Take the face off the person(s) and take the fight to the enemy through prayer. When you do that, at God's command, an angelic army stands at the ready to help you through whatever and whomever it is you are battling.

Since we know that the enemy will always be on his job and focused on his purpose, we must always be at the ready, positioned in prayer, able to identify the enemies attack and strategy without getting bogged down fighting the person that the enemy used.

Be Bless,


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