I'm Still Here
It amazes me how God will find a way to reinforce whatever message He has for you. This morning I dreamed that I was praying and woke up to myself continuing the prayer that started in my dreams. I asked Him what did that mean and He told me that this was His assurance to me that where ever I was, He was there with me. What a Blessed assurance to know that our Saviour will never leave us no matter our state or condition. As I researched the word, I found that God has stated over 29 times " I am with you" in His word. What a reminder that He will always be there even when we don't see, or feel Him. One of my sons and I were discussing a difficult situation He was going through. He stated that it felt as if God was not talking to Him. I shared with him some advice someone gave to me years ago, which simply stated that the teacher never talks to the students when they are taking a test. So, if God seems quiet to you, keep pushing through the test, knowing that He is rig...