Running The Race

During one of my needed binge-watching moments, I had the joy of watching a movie that themed around a woman who was preparing for a 5k run. She was so out of shape that she was struggled going up the stairs to her 2nd-floor apartment. Through her window, she would watch her neighbor stretch, put on her earphones and run daily.

One day she decided to ask her neighbor why she ran. The neighbor told her that she was preparing for a 5k run, but in addition, she had so much going on negative in her life that running gave her freedom, endurance, and strength that she needed to make it through her day. She invited her to join them. What stood out to me, was her advice to start one block at a time and that she would do it with her.

The word of God encourages us to run our race with endurance, but it also tells us how to run.

Being surrounded by a large cloud of witnesses (Those who know and have witnesses Gods goodness)

Lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us (Let go, and put down anything and anyone that weighs you down and impedes your spiritual growth)

Run with endurance (build up your spiritual muscles through prayer, studying God's word and living a life that honors God. )

We've been called to run the race, let us do it according to God's clear and precise directions.

Unapologetically, G


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