I am here, it's me, your friend, God!

There were many church songs we sung as children that had deeper meanings that weren't revealed until my relationship with Christ grew and matured. "I want to be a follower of Christ" It made me think of the disciple's journey as they followed God on the earth.

It was very hard for me to comprehend how without God in the flesh, I could become a true follower of Christ.  As my relationship with God matured and I realized that God was in me, my heart, mind, spirit, and soul, being a follower was easy. Yet I desired more. I wanted a more intimate relationship with God. That is when the scripture opened up to me and revealed that He desired to be my friend.

At one time, I had a really twisted idea of friendships.  I had lost many people whom I called friend which left me hurt and broken. I vowed never to call anyone friend because it was too closely related to pain and brought bad memories and hurt. But there is a song; "I am a friend of God" that made me dig deeper. What did that mean?

Proverbs 18:24 says " but there is a friend who stays closer than any brother". 

Closer than a brother? Closer than my family?  Who is this friend?

John 15:13 says; " There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for a friend"

... The deal was sealed... God did that for me. This is when I realized that He was there... my friend was there all along.  With that understanding and assurance, my heart opened up to my best friend.

As I prayed on my journey to work, I heard his still small voice say to me... " I am here, it's me, your friend, God". Oh what an awesome feeling it is to know that I am His Friend and He is mine!

Unapologetically, G


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