Never Let Your Emotions Derail Your Dreams.

We have all experienced hurt, and disappointments. We've all been pushed to the point of wanting to quit. We've all been blindsided by people and events that rocked our world.

As I've allowed God to guide me through these life altering moments, I've discovered moments of spiritual growth. I've discovered that these hard times have proven two things in my life. Satan ( not the people or person) desires to  kill, still and destroy my witness and my character. God has already written my story, paid the price for my ransom, and made me victorious.

So as I go through life's trials and journey, I cannot and will not allow my emotions to derail my dreams.
  • I will press toward the prize that I am assured is waiting for me. 
  • I will put my emotions and feelings in check. 
  • I will check my will daily to assure it is Gods will for me and not mine. 
  • I will trust God for all things even when I don't  understand. 

Unapologetically, G


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