Dear God, I'm feeling Overwhelmed!

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

Ever had one of those days when you look at your to-do list, and it feels like it’s breeding while you’re not looking? I swear, sometimes my list multiplies faster than I can cross things off! And there I am, just trying to keep my head above water, hoping I remembered to put on matching socks (spoiler: I probably didn’t).

Some days, life just won’t slow down. Work, family, errands, friendships, meal planning, laundry—the sheer weight of it all can be so… much. It’s in these moments I imagine God watching me, gently shaking His head, like, “You know, I’m right here. You can hand this over anytime.”

Dear God, I whisper, some days I just can’t. But then I remember this beautiful verse that’s like a breath of fresh air. God cares for me. He’s got this big, warm, and welcoming shoulder, ready to take my worries, my stress, my “I-have-no-idea-how-this-is-going-to-get-done” moments.

So, here’s what I’m learning to do (though, full disclosure, it’s a work in progress): I’m handing over my worries to God, piece by piece, like I’m sorting out laundry. I’m taking all the bits that weigh me down—big and small—and piling them at His feet, trusting He’ll do a way better job handling them than I can.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, I know I’ve been doing a pretty good impression of someone trying to juggle a hundred things with just two hands. Calm my heart. Remind me that even when life feels like it’s spinning out of control, You’re steady, You’re present, and You care. Help me find peace in knowing that You’ve got this—and I don’t have to. Amen.

Today’s Affirmation:

I’m handing my worries to God like I’m dropping off a big pile of laundry—trusting He’s got it sorted better than I ever could.


And if you’re reading this and feeling a little overwhelmed yourself, I hope you’ll feel like you’ve just gotten a hug and a reminder that you’re not alone. Let’s take a deep breath, my friend, and drop our anxieties at God’s feet. Together, we’ve got this—well, He’s got this, but we’re along for the (peaceful) ride.

Unapologetically,  G


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