Spiritual Consequences

When I was younger, I recall getting into mischief with my friends and my mother reminded me of the home rules. At the time, I didn't think it was fair. My peers were never disciplined or scolded in the same way that I was. "They don't live in my house," she would say, "you know better," and "what goes on in their house is their business."

As I continue on my Christian path, I've realized that living as a child of God is no different. My Spiritual Father has taught me to live my life in a certain way. I know how I should conduct myself based on his word and the Holy Spirit's guidance.  I should not be concerned about the consequences of anyone else's actions but my own... I don't have the authority to pass judgment on anyone. We must all cope with our own Spiritual Consequences and live according to Christ's instructions.

"If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them."James 4:17

Unapologetically, G


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