Claim Your White Stone

"I've got a new name over in glory and its mine, mine, mine..." I remember hearing that song for many years believing that when I make it to heaven that God would give me a new name. I believed that everything associated with my current name would be over when I made it in.

The thing is that in addition to the given name by my parents, I picked up so many other names along my journey... Worth-less, insecure, not enough, damaged, and bitter. These are the names that I wanted to be changed on this side of heaven. These are the names that I've carried around like weights around my neck, making it close to impossible to hold my head up. How do I let go of those names that remind me of my past, my pains, and my mistakes? I am so grateful that for everything we deal with in life, God has an answer.

Revelation 2:17 says; 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it." 

He instructs us to listen to the spirit of God and apply what we hear to our lives. When we do this, God's word will be revealed to us and God will then give us a white stone marking the place of our transformation and a new name that no one but us and our Father knows and understands.

God will exchange

  • Worthless for priceless
  • Insecure for confident
  • Not enough for enough
  • Damaged for restored
  • and Bitter for grateful

Your name shall be called Overcomer. Your name shall be called Conqueror.  Your name shall be called Victorious!

Claim your white stone!

Unapologetically, G


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