How to Battle a Storm

Many of us face storms daily. Some are quite storms, and some are raging tsunamis. Some of our storms have little power but are uncomfortable and irritating at best. Other storms hit us so hard that it seems as if our very souls are knocked right out of us. Gods example on how to battle a storm is so important and powerful and necessary. One great example is when the disciples were in the boat and Jesus was below deck asleep. They found that after all their personal efforts that what they needed to do was wake Jesus up by calling his name. His glorious, wonderful, and powerful name causes the winds and waves to obey and cease from raging. The next great example is when Peter asked Jesus if he could come out of the boat (face his situation) and walk on water (Use his faith). God told Peter to come (honoring his faith). As Peter was walking he began
 to sink (Satan reminded him of his faults, failures, and past sins). God then reached out to Peter with his mighty hand and had him to focus on him and brought him above the water where he felt a more solid and sure foundation... Jesus!


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