Who am I and what am I called to do?
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Prov.3 :5-6

Christ and having a relationship
with Him better helps you to understand who we were meant to be.
yourself through the eyes and heart of Christ. Christ knew you and purposed
(ordained) you before you were conceived. If you have the creator in your life,
who made you with purpose, then you can seek him for guidance and direction to
become who you were made to be and reach your full potential in Him.
Know Your
Purpose and Call. In having a relationship with Christ, knowing yourself in
Christ, it is easier to understand and fulfill your Purpose. You have a reference,
and guide, and advisor to help you with decisions. You have someone to go to in
Prayer and find understanding as to where, who, why, and what you need to do to
become who God called you to be.
Lean to God’s Understanding…. Acknowledge Christ…. Listen to
God’s directions… Then you will understand who you are and what you are called
to do…
Be Blessed, G
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