This morning I viewed a video of a couple of individuals that were standing near a shore. They were there in the middle of a storm. As they stood there, wave up wave were seen rising behind them. All of a sudden one of the waves came upon them. One of them was swept away by the wave. One of them went our to try and rescue the one that swept away. Another wave came through and knocked the one who was trying to rescue the first one off their feet. The third person went in to rescue them both. As they were trying to get their footing, another wave came through that swept all three of them off of their feet. Eventually, they were able to recover. As I watched this video, I reflected how things have been for me the last couple of months. I have experienced trials at work, home, ministry, financial issues, illness, hospitalizations,death, and brokenness... Wave after wave of difficulties... BUT But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak....