Strategies for Effective Prayer

What is Prayer
We must first understand that Prayer is communicating with God. Many of our prayers are delivered with no more consideration that an order placed at a drive through window. Communication is a two way informational stream. After we have have given God praise, Confessed our sins, Thanked Him for all He's done and placed before Him our problems, we must learn to find that quite place in our spirit that will allow us to hear from God.
Trust God's Timing
After we pray, we must trust God's timing. The best explanation that I've heard in regards to Gods timing in answering our prayers was," He will answer prayers when He is most glorified".
Pray Without Ceasing
Praying continuously for most seems like an unattainable task as we go about our daily routine. I have come to realize that our staying connected to the Holy Spirit throughout the day is how we are able to pray without ceasing. Therefore our conversations with others must incorporate our communication with God and must edify Him, represent Him, and glorify Him.
Staying Connected through Prayer
Imagine using a GPS device to go to a place that you have never been before and in the middle of nowhere your device goes out. You are left guessing, and using your own understanding to navigate to your destination. The possibility of wrong turns, wrong choices are great. This is what happens when we disconnect from God. We make wrong decisions, wrong choices, and find ourselves in places, situations and with people that we were never meant to be with. Our disconnection happens when our conversations, actions, and motives stop giving God glory. I'm so grateful that grace and mercy are often there to reconnect and redirect us back to Christ and His purpose in our lives.
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