In The Storm

I am a firm believer that God speaks to us in dreams. I received my calling in a dream. God showed my husband our unborn son and my sons calling in a dream. Last night, God allowed me to see myself going through a  storm. Not just any storm, but a spiritual storm. The dream began as my day would normally begin. I was up getting the children ready for school, dressing the little ones, making lunches, hugs and kisses, and coordinating the race for the bus. Soon, the only ones left in the house was my husband and I. As I walked into the kitchen to clean the mess that the kids had left, I felt someone touch me on my back. I looked around and saw no one, so I begin praying in my spirit. The next thing I knew something grabbed the back of my shirt and started pulling at it, trying to pull me down. I  snatched away, and begin to tell Satan to leave me alone. I quickly headed back to the front to find my husband and ask him to pray for me because I wasn't quite sure what was going on. At the time I found him standing by the door observing activities that were going on in the neighborhood. As he reached for my hand to pray, a neighbor asked him for help and pulled him from my grip. He promised me that he would be right back and left the house. As he left the house, I felt a heaviness surrounding me and the house became very dark. From that point, I knew that I was in spiritual warfare with the enemy. I began to pray out loud, asking the Lord for strength. I prayed, I decreed, and spoke the word of God out loud. I then began to march back and forth throughout the house, praying, singing, and praising God. The first line I sang "If God is for me, who can be against me", The next line I sang was, " No Weapon formed against me shall prosper", and Finally, I sang," The Lord is my light and my salvation, who shall I fear". As I sang the last line, I found the room becoming lighter, and the heaviness lifting. As my vision cleared, I saw many saints of God, including my husband  bowed down throughout the house praying that I had not seen  when I was going through. Then I woke up....

As a woke up, I prayed to God to give me understanding of what the dream meant. He walked me through each part of the dream. He showed me how I was targeted for a spiritual attack. Satan's plans were to separate me from my husband because it would weaken his defenses if the two of us began praying together. But through prayer and praise, Satan's defenses became weak and the demons had to flee... and as the heaviness lifted, God showed me that I also had additional help praying along with me. I know that this was for me, but I also asked God that if it were his will, allow me to remember the details and share with others in order to strengthen them when they are going though a very tough time.


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