
Showing posts from 2014

In The Storm

I am a firm believer that God speaks to us in dreams. I received my calling in a dream. God showed my husband our unborn son and my sons calling in a dream. Last night, God allowed me to see myself going through a  storm. Not just any storm, but a spiritual storm. The dream began as my day would normally begin. I was up getting the children ready for school, dressing the little ones, making lunches, hugs and kisses, and coordinating the race for the bus. Soon, the only ones left in the house was my husband and I. As I walked into the kitchen to clean the mess that the kids had left, I felt someone touch me on my back. I looked around and saw no one, so I begin praying in my spirit. The next thing I knew something grabbed the back of my shirt and started pulling at it, trying to pull me down. I  snatched away, and begin to tell Satan to leave me alone. I quickly headed back to the front to find my husband and ask him to pray for me because I wasn't quite sure what was going on....

Follow Your Dreams

As a Teenager God revealed to me that I was called to work with Youth and Young Adults. For over 30 years I have dedicated much of my life and time doing so.  As I've gotten older, I have realized that ministry opportunities will and do change. Still wanting to impact youth in Ministry, I prayed for direction. About a year or so ago, God gave me the vision of Called to Love Ministry. A Ministry to help youth workers to reach and change the lives of our youth. I have noticed that every opportunity that I have had to share my experiences, knowledge and wisdom with others, that God shows up in miraculous ways. I don't know what God has in store for me, but I am willing to go along for the ride. 

Finding Value in Others

One of my biggest pet peeves is when you state your opinion and someone says "no, it's this", invalidating what said without really listening to you. Although at times it is a personal issue, I also think it is a systemic spiritual issue. Many of us have made our beliefs soapbox issues deeming us experts, but we forget that there is non perfect except Christ. If our no, isn't replacing wrong with Christ's standards, and it's just validating your opinion, proceed with caution. Your invalidations of a person's opinion may lead to hurt and the feeling of unimportantance. God values us all... let us value one another.

Happy 21st Birthday to my First Born... Raymond E Watson III


When Flesh and Spirit Collide


Trusting God In The Midst of Chaos

 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."   Isaiah 26:3 (K JV) Have you ever experienced a time when it seemed as if Satan placed his hand on every aspect of your life. You find him rearing his head in your home. You have an unnecessary argument with your spouse that was really senseless. Your children become more defiant than ever before. You can’t find any peace on your job. It just seems that you are receiving Satanic assaults every where you turn.  It is very easy for us to get distracted by Satan and lose focus. We need to keep focused on Christ, even in the midst of our chaos. If we do He will regulate our hearts and mind, and give us inner peac e. Dear God, in the midst of confusion and chaos, help me to keep my heart and mind stayed on you. Lord I want to be able to experience your perfected peace when confusion is all around me. In Jesus Name I pray. AMEN! Be Blessed G’

Step back and take time to heal

There are so many people dealing with hurt and pain on levels that have literally knocked them to their knees. We go to family or friends for advice, but come up short and most of the time going in the wrong direction. It is my desire that you take the time to go to the one who can make you whole.... 


Good Morning All... I’m trying something new. Blogging!!! I’ve been a journal and devotional writer for quite some time and I have been looking for one central place to share with others what God has given me. It is my desire that I may help encourage, uplift and share my day to day testimonies with you, and that it can strengthen your daily walk with the Lord. 

The Crisis Moment
