Watch, Fight, and Pray

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak.” ... Mark 14:38 Over the course of our lives, we have grown so comfortable to the things that we see and hear that we can recite phrases and quotes without hesitancy, but have absolutely no clue how to apply it to our lives. I believe that Gods word is woven throughout the fabric of what we see, do, and say, yet the comfortableness of it has left those words meaningless to us. As an example... there are several Christ inspired songs whose lyrics include the words, "Watch, Fight and Pray..." I know as you read this, one of the first songs that pop into your head, is "Oh, Happy Day". Let us for a second look at the actual line of the song... "He taught me how to watch, fight and pray, fight and pray, And live rejoicing every, every day". If we take a deeper look, we can find such a deep meaning to this phrase and how it can apply to our ...