
Showing posts from December, 2015

I am the richest woman on earth!

Ok , so I don't have the most perfect life. I don't have the most perfect family. I don't even have the cleanest house. I'm not in the best of health. I have not fulfilled all of my dreams or desires. I don't have fat pockets, or drive a fancy car. What I do have is a God that loves me, a loving and close family. I have peace and new mercies everyday. So, that makes me the richest woman on earth.  I pray that you take into account all of the blessings that you have had this past year and during your entire life. Have a blessed holiday! God loves you and so do I.

Let God Write Your Story

My youngest son has imagined, created and drawn Characters from the time he was able to hold a pencil. As his skills and talents progressed, he begin to put more and more thought into his Creations. He would Note their Characteristics, Strengths, weaknesses and purpose. He always provided them with what they needed to fulfill whatever purpose, or call he had in mind. God, our creator did that for us but on such a grander scale. His word says that he Knew us before we were even conceived. He knows the number of hairs on our head . He new what our character was as well as our flaws. He knows our purpose, our passions and our positions. His word says that All things work together for good of those called according to His purpose. We need to seek the creator for direction on how our next chapter should read. Let God continue to write you story and watch His craftsmanship and masterpiece in you come forward!