Walking In Your Purpose on Purpose

Being the mom of athletes, I have had many opportunities to witness what it looks like to see someone give their absolute all on the field. I have lived through watching them playing through asthma, broken bones, sprains, and yes even concussions. I have watched and prayed from the sidelines that God would keep and protect them as they pursued their purpose. There was one time when one of my sons was absolutely rocked while carrying the ball. I thought he was out of the game. From the sidelines he heard his dad say, "Son, get up, you're OK, shake it off". With that my son got up, a little wobbly, and continued the game. " So I run straight toward the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above." Philippians 3:14 Be Blessed, G Sometimes in the midst of walking in our purpose, we are going to get rocked. But if we listen to the voice of the Father telling us to "Get Up, You're OK, shake it off...